Lark song and sea sounds in the air

Air Quality Monitoring Station: Southwark A2 Old Kent Road

Location ID: UKA00558 / GB1012A

Environment Type: Urban Traffic

Defra Region: London

Location: A2, Old Kent Road, London

Notes: The monitoring station is a roadside cabin on the busy A2, Old Kent Road. It is located a short distance south-east from the previous Old Kent Road site which closed in 2006. It is hoped that this will provide some continuity in the measurements. To the south of the site is a large open car park. Most of the surrounding area is paved or tarmac surface and there are few trees or plants.

Measurements taken at this site:
Hourly mean Nitrogen dioxide (µgm-3)
Running 24 Hour mean PM10 Particles (µgm-3)

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Most recent measurements

Latest data at the top. "n/a" means no measurement was taken in that time period.

DateTime Hourly mean Nitrogen dioxide
Running 24 Hour mean PM10 Particles
2024-04-1908:00:00161 Low111 Low*1

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