The summer sun was setting, and the summer air was still

Air Quality Monitoring Station: Stanford-le-Hope Roadside

Location ID: UKA00525 / GB0924A

Environment Type: Urban Traffic

Defra Region: Eastern

Location: Stanford-le-Hope

Notes: The monitoring station is within a self-contained air-conditioned housing located on the south side of the A1014 - The Manorway, at the end of Abbots Hall Chase. The surrounding area is residential with open pastures to the east an oil refinery 2 kilometres away on the Thames estuary.

Measurements taken at this site:
Hourly mean Nitrogen dioxide (µgm-3)
Running 24 Hour mean PM2.5 Particles (µgm-3)
Running 24 Hour mean PM10 Particles (µgm-3)

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Most recent measurements

Latest data at the top. "n/a" means no measurement was taken in that time period.

DateTime Hourly mean Nitrogen dioxide
Running 24 Hour mean PM2.5 Particles
Running 24 Hour mean PM10 Particles
2024-04-1908:00:00301 Low51 Low101 Low*1

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